When should I have my furnace checked?

The best time to have your furnace checked is before you need to use it. Scheduling a Furnace system check-up prior to the cool nights that can roll into the McHenry County area towards the end of August or early September is a great way to ensure safe and reliable comfort throughout the heating season. A furnace system check not only cleans the burner assembly to improve efficiency, cleans the ignitor to ensure reliable operation, checks belts, valves, and other system components for defects, but also checks your heat exchanger to make sure there are no harmful carbon monoxide leaks. Air-tech can inspect, clean, and service your gas furnace, boiler, electric heat, humidifier, air-filtration, and any other HVAC system component. We can suggest way to use your equipment more efficiently, or suggest when you may want to consider replacing your system or any of the components to keep your cost of ownership low and your comfort high.